T&TRAC system

Mascar Spa in collaboration with Caffini Spa, Alpego Spa, Mc Elettronica Srl, Dal Cero Snc, has realized the T&TRAC project: « TELEMETRY AND TRACEABILITY FOR ZERO-DEFECT OPERATING MACHINES IN PRECISION AGRICULTURE ».

The objective of the research project is the realization of an innovative prototype of integrated electronic and mechatronic system zero-defect and remote working, based on telemetry and augmented reality, applied for the first time to three types of agricultural machines (planters, sprayers and fertilizer spreaders) ), for advanced remote management of maintenance in the post-sales phase, based on a predictive approach, which, constantly verifying functional parameters and methods of use, prevents breakdowns and breakdowns.

To learn more, click here.

The project was implemented using the contribution of the Veneto Region

Intervention made using the funding

POR – Obiettivo “Incremento dell’attività di innovazione delle imprese”

Parte FESR fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale 2014-2020

ASSE 1 AZIONE 1.1.4“Sostegno alle attività’ collaborative di R&S per lo sviluppo di nuove tecnologie sostenibili, di nuovi prodotti e servizi” DGR 889 del 13/06/2017


Total TRAC system

MASCAR S.p.A., in collaboration with UNIVERSITY OF PADUA – TESAF, ALPEGO S.p.A. , CAFFINI S.p.A. , DCM METALWORKING S.n.c. has created a project entitled:“TOTAL TRAC”

The project pursues the goal of developing an integrated hardware-software system that can flexibly and effectively support traceability processes within the agri-food production chains. In particular, it aims to define standardized procedures supported by hardware devices capable of facilitating the passage of data and information in the various steps of the process chains for food products coming from agricultural processes and distributed in small or large organized distribution. This is in order to allow an increase in the level of knowledge by consumers on the agrotechnics adopted in the field phases of the main products, enhancing the generation of virtuous circles of agronomic management and ultimately of production.

The project was carried out with the help of the contribution of the Veneto Region

Intervention carried out using the POR funding – Objective « Increase in business innovation activity » Part ERDF European regional development fund 2014-2020

ASSE 1 AZIONE 1.1.4 “Support for collaborative R&D activities for the development of new sustainable technologies, new products and services ”DGR n. 711 of 28 May 2019

Support amount: € 78.529,90